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Three Kurnai Women: Dorothy (Dora), Euphemia (Euphie) and Regina (Gina)

Stuart and Dorothy Hood

Depiction of Dora on the sculpture

Dorothy (Dora) Hood (nee Harrison)

The staunchly Christian matriarch of the Jackson's Track camp; she was required to leave all former language and Culture behind when she married into the Kurnai mob to Stuart Hood. She established the disciplines of housework, cleanliness and Christianity as the ways to keep their families safe from being taken by government authorities.

Dora edited
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The Women's importance2
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Euphemia (Euphie) Cora Mullett/Tonkin (nee Hood)

When still young, Dorothy Hood's daughter Euphemia Mullett was brought by her father from Lake Tyers Mission to Jackson's Track. 

Eupemia washing at Jacksons Track

Eventually Euphie settled with Daryl Tonkin and was mother to 13 children; 11 were Daryl's. Like her mother Dora, Euphie insisted on cleanliness, physical health, Traditional Culture and education as the ways to survive in their divided world.

Euphie dealt with racism all her life and was even abducted from Jackson's Track by her white partner's family (Tonkin) because they were so ferociously opposed to the relationship.

Euphemia 1
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Euphie kidnapped
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Elder Cheryl Drayton with the bronze depiction of her mother Euphemia

Regina (Gina) Rose (nee Hood)

Within the Jackson's Track community, Gina is remembered for fun and laughter and steering the family toward traditional culture and values through sing-a-longs.

Bringing young and old together, playing her guitar, she created a source of great joy for the families as well as ensuring the critical connection to Culture.

Regina Rose

Gina with son Lionel

Gina 1
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Depiction of Gina on the sculpture

The final touches to the sculpture before casting in bronze

Copyright 2017 Stories of Drouin

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